Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Smart Media

Today we were learning about Know how to verify online information
Analyse the construction of digital media.
My digital object shows I know to tell which is real and fake
I found it easy to remove the background because I have done it alot so its easy now.
I found it tricky to make the last slide and make it look real.

Friday, 18 October 2019

Rosary Beads

This week we have been learning about Rosary Beads.
I found it easy to find the Rosary Bead picture off google.
I found it tricky to find what prayer is for every bead.

Thursday, 17 October 2019

Rep game

This week for writing we were doing recounts.
In our success criteria we needed

  • use some long and some short sentences.
  • use adjectives and adverbs.
  • use juicy verbs to start a sentence.
  • use a simile or a metaphor.
  • keep to one main idea in a paragraph.
  • edit for spelling and punctuation
I found it easy know what I was writing about.
I found it tricky to fill my success criteria.

6:30am as mum yelled at me to get up. My mum was plating up the scrambled eggs as I nervously put on my kit. After I had breakfast, which was amazingly good, my dad told me to go run around the hotel for a warm up before the game. Freezing, I walked outside. It was so cold it was like jumping head first in snow.

First game against Hawkes bay I played a lovely ball to Flynn who placed it in the bottom corner 1-0. Sadly they scored last minute. My dad and I were extremely devastated.

Last of all it was Whanganui and I won the toss and kicked off. They scored an offside goal but the ref allowed it. Then they scored a handball goal and the ref allowed it. 1:30 drive to Napier.

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

What media I use.

Today we were learning  about different types of media.
I found it easy to find the pictures.
I found it tricky to remove all the different photos.

Tupaia Master Navigator

Today and yesterday for reading we were learning about Tupaia Master Navigator.
I found it easy to deiced what I was going to do for it.
I found it tricky to find the pictures.