This week for writing we were doing recounts.
In our success criteria we needed
- use some long and some short sentences.
- use adjectives and adverbs.
- use juicy verbs to start a sentence.
- use a simile or a metaphor.
- keep to one main idea in a paragraph.
- edit for spelling and punctuation
I found it easy know what I was writing about.
I found it tricky to fill my success criteria.
6:30am as mum yelled at me to get up. My mum was plating up the scrambled eggs as I nervously put on my kit. After I had breakfast, which was amazingly good, my dad told me to go run around the hotel for a warm up before the game. Freezing, I walked outside. It was so cold it was like jumping head first in snow.
First game against Hawkes bay I played a lovely ball to Flynn who placed it in the bottom corner 1-0. Sadly they scored last minute. My dad and I were extremely devastated.
Last of all it was Whanganui and I won the toss and kicked off. They scored an offside goal but the ref allowed it. Then they scored a handball goal and the ref allowed it. 1:30 drive to Napier.