Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Water Worries 2

This week we were learning about water worries around the world.
I enjoyed making the slides and putting in the pictures.
I found it tricky to get the picture of the fog net.
Next time I would change the pictures.

Jesus ascending to heaven

This week we have been learning about Jesus ascending to heaven.
I enjoyed making the poster because I like the way it turned out.
I found it tricky to get the right pictures that I want.
Next time I will change the photos.

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Nz Music Month

Today we were learning about nz music month.
I enjoyed making the poster because it looks cool.
I found it tricky to find a lot of facts.

Water worries

Today we were learning how to write the author's purpose.
I enjoyed reading the book and learning new things.
I found it tricky to know what to put how do you know.

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Teabag in the mug shot

Today we were learning how to throw a teabag in a mug.
I enjoyed making the shot because once I got it I was so relieved.
I found it tricky to make the shot because the teabag was so light.
My distance was 3.11 meters and I had 11 tries until I made it.
Next time I would change the distance and try go further.
Try and beat my distance.

Who is the Star Wars Charcter

Today we were learning how to do a colour the picture.
I enjoyed colouring it because it looks good.
I found it tricky to do the light brown because there is a lot of it.
I think it is ewok

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Detective Writing

Scenario 1
Scenario 2
Scenario 3
Someone has eaten Hulks sandwich at Avengers Tower HQ.

Spider Webs
Fortnite on the PlayStation
Iron Man's sunglasses
Ant man’s wallet

Iron Man

Success Criteria
Self Assessment
Use adjectives
Use words and phrases that grab the reader’s attention and interest.

Start writing below:
Suddenly I get a call from the avengers that someone has eaten the hulks yummy  lunch and they need me to come and find out who ate the lunch. I sped down the road as fast as I could and I found the Hulk sitting waiting impatiently for me. I asked him if there were any clues and he said yes, spider webs, fortnite on playstation. Ironmanman's sunglasses and ant man's wallet. Who are the suspects and he said Spiderman, Thor,Ironman and Ant Man. The first thing I realise is that there was no evidence that Thor was there so that means it's not Thor.

If there were spider man's webs then he couldn’t have been at the tv and I don't think that Iron man or Ant man would be playing fortnite so Spider man must have been. If there was Ant man's wallet then he must have gone out and if there was Iron man's sunglasses then he must have been out as well so that means that it was spider man. So then Hulk confronted Spider man and it was him that stole Hulks lunch so he picked up Spiderman and smashed him through a table and then he forced Spiderman to get him a new lunch or he would smash him through a table again.

Flappy bird

Today we were learning how to code a flappy bird.
I enjoyed putting it together because it looks good.
I found it tricky to get the obstacles.

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Reuse, Reduce, Recycle and Repurpose

Today we were learning how to make a poster about reuse, reduce, recycle and repurpose.
I enjoyed learning new things I didn't know before like the energy to power a tv for three hours can be saved by recycling one tin can.
I found it tricky to get the words the right size to fit.

Binary Numbers

Today we were learning about binary numbers and how to write them.
I enjoyed learning how to write binary numbers.
I found it tricky to make 45 because at first I didn't know.
This is how to write it in binary 00101101

Monday, 11 May 2020

Laundry Art

Today we were learning how to make art out of laundry.
I enjoyed choosing the picture because there were a lot of good ones.
I found it tricky to recreate because I didn't have the right colour clothes.

Problem solving

Today we were learning about how to solve a world problem.
I enjoyed making the picture because it looks cool.
I found it tricky think of what I'm was going to do.

Hehu Karaiti

Today we were learning about Hebrews readings.
I enjoyed making the slide because I could do it quick

Saturday, 9 May 2020

Leaf Loop

Today we were learning how to make a leaf loop.
I enjoyed trying to find the leafs.
I found it tricky to find all the colours.

Friday, 8 May 2020

Marble run

Today we were learning how to make a marble run.
I enjoyed watching it work because it took ages.
I found it tricky to make it because I had to use most of my books.

Thursday, 7 May 2020


Today we were learning how to use gamefroot.
I enjoyed watching it work because looked good.
I found it tricky because I had to use screencastify instead.

Wednesday, 6 May 2020


Today I was learning about coding.
I enjoyed writing the piece about coding.
I found it tricky to find the right size

How does coding work? Coding is in almost everything we use now. Today I will be telling you about coding.

All devices have programs in them. They have step by step instructions which they follow and that's called coding. People make the instructions that they want the device to do. Flash lights also have codes in them that help them turn on.

They will start by writing it in the correct order. Then test to see if it works if doesn't that means there is a gap in the wire. They will fix that gap then see if it works. Very very rarely they will get it correct on the first time but that's very rare.

There are so many different types of codes there different in cars, phones, computers and many more things. But they all achieve something in their own way.

I like playing on devices. I think there will be even more coded things in the future.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Top Tip

Today we were learning about shortcuts.
I enjoyed reading about the shortcuts because I never done some of them.
I found it tricky to not blend the colours.

coding instructions

Today we were learning how to do coding instructions.
I enjoyed writing down the instructions because there kinda hard.
I found it tricky to do it exactly the right turns.

Coding bots

Today we were learning how to code by using bots.
I enjoyed telling the bots the directions for him to go.
I found it tricky to do the last one because it was the hardest.

Monday, 4 May 2020

Square eyes

Today we were learning how to make a quiz.
I enjoyed reading the book because I had never read that book before.
I found it tricky to put the answers for the 3rd one because i didn't know what to put.

How to grow in Jesus's holiness

Today we were learning how to grow in Jesus's holiness.
I enjoyed writing it down because I got to use word art.
I found it tricky to put the last one because I didn't know what to put.
When I respond to Jesus' invitations to be his friend I grow in holiness

Sunday, 3 May 2020


Today I was learning how to make a circuit.
I found it easy to write about.
I found it tricky to put all the words like circuit.

Saturday, 2 May 2020

Book Poster

Today we were learning how to write a book poster.
I enjoyed writing the poster because I knew what book I was going to do.
I found it tricky to write the words because I didn't know what part to write about.

Friday, 1 May 2020


Today I was learning how to make a superpower using photos.
I enjoyed putting it together because I think it looks good.
I found it tricky to find the right background.