Thursday, 30 April 2020

Favourite Recipe

Today we were learning how to write a recipe book thing.
I enjoyed choosing the recipe I was going to do because I knew which one to do.
I found it tricky because it took so long to write.

Wednesday, 29 April 2020


Today we were learning how to use quizlet and on quizlet we learned Maori words.
I enjoyed learning how to use quizlet.
I found it tricky to get them all right.

Our Digital World

Today we were learning to about our digital world.
I enjoyed learning new things about our digital world.
I found it tricky to pick a answer for some of them.

Friday, 24 April 2020

My Fort

Today I was learning how to make a fort.
I enjoyed making the fort because it was really fun.
I found it tricky to keep it up because it keep toppling over.
Next time I would change the things I would put in there.

Thursday, 23 April 2020

ANZAC Day Puzzle

Today I was learning to make a ANZAC day puzzle.
I enjoyed putting it together because it looks good.
Next time I would change the puzzle.

ANZAC day 5 ws

Today I was learning about ANZAC day by watching a video and putting the answer into what, when, where why and who.
I enjoyed learning about ANZAC day because I didn't know all that stuff.
I found it tricky to put one in why because I didn't really know what to put.
Next time I would change the answers.

Obstacle course

Today I was learning how to make a obstacle course.
I enjoyed doing the obstacle course because it was fun.
I found it tricky to make the obstacle course because I didn't have much stuff.
Next time I would change the things in my course.

Paper airplane card

Today I was learning how to put a prayer on a paper airplane.
I found it easy to make the airplane because I knew how to make it before.
I found it tricky to get the prayer in the middle of the airplane.
Next time I would change the design of the plane.

Letter Stack

Today I was learning how to stack things in alphabetical order.
I found it easy to stack them on top of each other.
I found it tricky to find everything that starts with the letter.

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Anzac Prayer

Today I wrote a anzac prayer for those who lost their lives.
I found it easy to write the prayer.
I found it tricky to think what to write.
Dear God
We remember those who have come back from war.
They fought for freedom through the darkest nights and longest days many lost their lives.
At dawn we should remember them.
They didn’t choose to go to war but they didn’t say no they carried on.


Today I was learning about the ANZAC tree.
I enjoyed reading about the ANZAC tree because I learnt new things.
1.A kid named Phillip lives on a farm with cows, sheep, chickens, a dog named ship and a cat named toffee
2. Phillip likes to climb a hill two people named Percy and Roy also liked to climb that hill
3. Percy and Roy planted two trees on the hill before they left.
4.Percy's tree died as well.
5.Dad had to milk the cows by himself because percy left.

ANZAC Acrostic Poem

Today we were learning how to write a acrostic poem.
I enjoyed writing it.
I found it tricky to put in the adverbs.

Anzac day
NZEF (New Zealand Expeditionary Force)
Zeppelin (german airships)
Anzac biscuits
Constantly guns fired

Defenceless men
Yelled at by other people.

Family Drawing

Today for one of our tasks we were learning how to draw of something that were thankful for.
I found it easy to know what I'm drawing.
I found it tricky to sketch it.
Next time I would change were we are.
Sorry if you can't see it that good

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Anzac critical thinking

Today we were reading about anzac day and then write the differences and the things that's the same.
I enjoyed reading the book because they were interesting.
I found it tricky to write the facts about because I couldn't fit that many in.
Next time I would change the books that I read.

Monday, 20 April 2020

Trench in Minecraft

Today we were making a trench in minecraft because its almost anzac day.
I enjoyed making the trench because I gotta do it in minecraft.
I found it tricky to find the design because I didn't know what to do.
Next time I would change the lay up.

Saturday, 18 April 2020

Easter Acrostic Poem

Today we were writing a acrostic poem.
I found it easy to chose what i'm writing about.
I found it tricky to find the words

Success Criteria
Self Assessment
Use adjectives to describe

Use powerful verbs

Use adverbs (ly words)

Jesus rose from the dead.
Empty tomb was discovered.
Son of God placed on a cross.
Unbelievably he stayed alive.
Sacrificed his life for us.

Friday, 17 April 2020

Stained Glass Window

Today we were making stained glass windows.
I found it easy to make the design.
I found it tricky to choose the colours.
Next time I would change the design.

Isolation Easter

This week was Easter and we had to stay in isolation.
I found it easy to write the story.
I found it tricky to put in the adverbs.
WALHT add detail

Success Criteria
Self Assessment
Use adjectives to describe

Use powerful verbs

Use adverbs (ly words)

Isolation Easter
I awoke on Easter Sunday. I was excited for all the eggs but then I remembered that the whole of New Zealand was in lockdown. Once everyone got up out of bed my brother and I quickly  opened the presents, our Grandma in New Zealand got us Ferrero Rocher eggs and squirrels and my Grandma in England got us a giant chocolate football filled with premier league stickers. After we finished with the presents my dad started to cook some crispy bacon it was extremely delicious.

We used Zoom to talk to our Grandparents in New Zealand because we are not able to go around and see them. After we finished with the call we went outside to tidy our garden because it was like a building site. We had to dismantle our trampoline and move it to the front garden. It was awfully heavy but we got there in the end. Along with that we went for an hour walk around the neighbourhood.

For dinner we had a marvellous roast lamb with roast vegetables and while we were eating we watched Spider-Man Homecoming. After our dinner we facetimed our Grandma in England to wish her a Happy Easter. Grandma was also spending Easter in lockdown.

So Easter in lockdown wasn’t that bad.

Thursday, 16 April 2020


Today for our learning we had to camouflage.
I found it easy to find the spot where I was going to hide.
I found it tricky to get in the spot.
Next time I would change the spot.

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Easter Traditions

For Christians Easter is a  time to remember how Jesus died on the cross for us but it is celebrated in different ways. In France they make a giant omelette, In Greece they throw clay pots out of windows, Poland they have wet monday were the men throw buckets of water on the girls, in finland the kids dress up and Czech Republic and Slovakia the males whip females with a pomlazka which is a braided whip made from pussy willow twigs. 


My summary for Trespass. Jordie, Raj and Jess try see a waterhole but to see the waterhole they had to trespass through someone's property. Jordie wanted to go pass the sign but Jess and Raj weren't to sure about it but they did it anyway.They went to the hole but they saw a man and when the man saw them he told them that they weren't meant to be there so Jordie and Raj didn't leave all of them help the man fix a pipe. After they fixed it they went to the water hole, Jordie found a stone and skimmed it across the water it did four skips.